Choosing Trees That Look Best in a Winter Landscape

While the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and leaves us all unsure of what we are going to be doing, one thing is always sure in the minds of Michigander’s: winter in our state is long and cold, and that means we need to find new ways to enjoy it.

Winter Trees of Michigan: Adding Beauty to Your Landscape

holly tree (winterberry) in snow

One of those ways can be walking down the street and enjoying the view of the trees that look incredible in the cool-season. You might get some ideas to brighten up your own landscaping as well, so you can enjoy Michigan’s beautiful winter greenery in your own backyard.

The Michigan Holly Tree

Out of all the trees in Michigan, this tree is pretty small. It grows only ten feet tall and about just as wide. It is also unique in its names – it can be referred to as a Michigan Holly, a Winter Berry, and as the technical name, Ilex verticillata. It produces bright red fruit in the winter that allows for a pop of color underneath the white blanket that covers the state.

The Birch Tree

This tree is a little bigger than the Michigan Holly, it grows about three to five times the size, standing at 30 to 50 feet when fully grown. The different species of Birch Trees radiate so many colors that they could create a rainbow. Some present as blue, others as white, brown, grey, yellow, or even silver. These are ones that are always going to look a little different because there is such a large variety in our area.

The Cedar of Lebonancedar of lebonan tree

This tree carries a strong name to represent a strong tree. This is one tree that will definitely last through the winter, ensuring that whether you are walking around town looking for it or seeing it in your own backyard, it’ll be a sight for sore, bored eyes. The Cedar of Lebonan is the largest tree you will read about in this article, it can reach up to 100 feet tall and span 80 feet wide. It’s something that can’t be overlooked, that’s for sure. Make sure you keep an eye out for this strong, beautiful tree the next time you are out and about. You might even consider it for your landscaping in the future.

Ready to Prepare Your Trees and Shrubs for the Winter? Call Alpine Tree and Lawn Care Today!

Whether you are looking around town for tree inspiration or you just want to explore ways to better your current landscaping by taking better care of your trees and shrubs for the winter, call Alpine Tree and Lawn Care today. Our team knows that we will be able to steer you in the right direction when it comes to tree care.

Trees can truly be the life of your landscaping if they are chosen carefully and cared for properly. Our 5-step tree and shrub care program will allow your landscape to stay preserved and healthy throughout the winter. You won’t want to miss out on this program, it will make your yard the talk of the block!

Call us today at 586-884-7799 or contact us online here. Want to get to know us on a more personal level? Follow us on Facebook.

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